Emmy is Red Girl from the Bacardi x Chopper litter and is owned by Barbara and Eamon Dillon, Elyria, Ohio and co-owned with Sarron. She was my pick from a very
young age and is a good sized girl, standing 24" tall and has a TON of coat!
Emmy grew up in Alabama and studied agility, rally and obedience and then when she was 3 yrs old,
came back to Sarron to spend a few months getting her championshiop. She came back right after Memorial
Day 2011 and finished her AKC Championship with 4 majors and several Best of Breeds from the classes.
She also picked up a Group placement the end of August 2011 before she went back to Alabama on Labor Day.
That, my friends, is a pretty quick and impressive show career for EMMY!
Emmy returned to Sarron in June 2012 to spend some time with us and have some babies! Emmy is a great dog!
She is a big girl, with effortless movement and coat to die for. More importantly, she has a fabulous
temperment and is easy to live with. She and Cara are BBF (Best Belgian Friends) and she gets along
well with her brother, Jackson, her mother, Bacardi, and her cousin, Star.
Thank you to Cathie Lang for letting Emmy come back and work on extending her show career as well as mother hood!
Emmy came into season the day before Thanksgiving 2012! She was bred to Ch. Sarron Sunset Surfbreaker (Breaker) on
November 28th but the breeding resulted in no puppies. We will try again on her next season.
Emmy went up to spend time with my good friends, Barb, Brendo and Eamon Dillon in May of 2013. She
went up to Cleveland to work with Eamon as his juniors dog during his last summer of Junior Showmanship.
Emmy won EVERYONE's heart though, and since she has been up with the Dillons, has garnered MANY Best of Breed
Wins (including the first day of the large Canfield Cluster in Aug 2013) and has all her majors to gain her
Grand Championship title!!!.. She fits in well, and will likely stay with the Dillons as she is working on
a couple of herding titles, completing her Grand Championship and may even go back and work on some agility
moves. Emmy is a JOY to have around and we plan to breed her in the Winter of 2013 to the very handsome and
talented Hondo! Emmy is co-owned by Barb, Eamon Dillon and myself.
Emmy picked up her PT (Pre-Trial) title with limited training in October 2013. She's also picked up 19 of the
25 pts that she needs to complete her Grand Championship as of the end of October 2013. Emmy is continuing to
take herding lessons with the goal of attaining her HS (Herding Started) title and maybe even a "Tending" Title!
Go Barb and Emmy!!!!
Emmy finished her Grand Championship in November 2013 and has picked up many more Best of Breed, Best of Op and Select
wins through March 2014. Emmy had a GREAT Showing at the Louisville, KY Cluster in March 2014 - picking up 2 Select Bitch
wins and a Best of Opp at a BSCA Supported Entry on Friday!!! Emmy now has 59 of the 100 GCH points that she needs to earn
her Bronze Grand Championship!!! GO EMMY AND BARB!!!! Once the weather clears up, Barb and Emmy will start
herding practice again, in hopes of picking up her HS this year! And, hopefully Emmy will give motherhood a
try in 2014 as well!!! I am SO PROUD of Barb and Emmy and all they have accomplished so far!
Emmy and Barb are cleaning up in the show rings in the Spring of 2014. Emmy picked up Back to Back Group 3's at the Columbus
Ohio Cluster in April and then a FABULOUS Group 2 in Tallmadge Ohio in May 2014! WAY TO GO EMMY AND BARB!!!
Emmy and Barb are out doing a LOT of showing and winning in 2014. Emmy finished her Rally Novice title in Sept 14 and is working
diligently on getting ready for her Agility debut with Barb and Eamon!!! I can't wait! Additionally, Barb and Emmy picked up another
Herding GROUP 3 at Licking River KC shows in Sept!!! They are doing great!!! Emmy is closing in on her Bronze GCH. and is also #6
All Breed Belgian and #4 OH Belgian in the country as of Sept 2014!!! I LOVE that these two are having such great success in
everything they do!!!
Emmy finished her Bronze Grand Championship in November 2014 and is making good headway on her Hall of Fame award. Emmy finished up
her 2014 down at the Florida Cluster, OH Invitational and Eukanuba shows in December. Emmy took Best of Opp and Best of Breed OH, on to an OH Group 4 on
Tuesday of the All Breed Cluster. She took Select Bitch on Wednesday and Thursday, and then finished up the weekend going Best of Opp (over the TOP bitch
in the country) on Sunday at Eukanuba!!! What a GREAT WEEK for Emmy and Barb!!! So proud of these gals!!! Emmy will be getting
back into the Conformation and Agility rings in 2015.
Barb starting running Emmy in agility in 2015 - and EMMY IS AMAZING!!! Barb and Emmy make such a wonderful team in conformation - but also in agility.
So far in 2015, Emmy has earned her NAJ (Novice Jumpers) and two legs toward her Novice Standard title. Barb and Emmy have also continued to be strong in
Conformation and the Owner Handler competition! At the end of the OH year (Oct 4, 2015) Emmy will be 2nd overall - and might even have taken over FIRST PLACE in
Owner Handled dogs this year!!! What a SUPER Job!!!! Emmy is well on her way to her Silver GCH award and closing in on her Show Dog HOF!!!!
Emmy and Barb went to Eukanuba in Dec 2015 and showed well. Emmy finished her Silver GCH in late 2015 and now she and Barb are concentrating on agility. Emmy
will still drag Barb to some conformation shows in 2016 - I'm sure. These girls make SUCH a great team! Very proud of all they have accomplished and how much fun
they have!
Emmy and Barb went out to the Lousiville Cluster, March 2016 and had a GREAT SHOWING!! Emmy showed in Veterans all weekend - it's
hard to believe that she's a veteran when you see her run around the ring and show like she's 2!!! Emmy picked up 15 more GCH points
that weekend by going Best of Opp Sex one day, Select Bitch one day and takeing a HUGE Best of Breed Win on Sunday under Mr. Fred Bassett!
What a GREAT WEEKEND for Barb and Emmy! I just LOVE watching those girls out in the ring!
Emmy is well on her way to her PACH and her AGCH! Emmy is running with her friend Jessica in 2017 in hopes of qualifying for the National Agility Championships
in Orlando in December 2017!! All the Belgians at Sarron are rooting her and Jessica on and hope that we get the privledge of watching her in Orlando in Decmeber!
Team Emmy - with Barb and Jessica to guide her - have been burning up the agility rings in 2017!! Emmy has earned her MXP, MJP and OFN titles this year so far. Emmy CLEANED UP
at the 2017 Belgian Sheepdog National Specialty!!! Emmy took High in Trial, Preferred Agility, Trial 2 on Tuesday!!!! SO PROUD OF THIS TEAM!!! She then picked up another RE leg on Wednesday.
On Thursday, Emmy and Barb were AWESOME in Veteran Sweepstakes earnign BEST IN VETERAN SWEEPS at the Naitonal, under judge Lisa Leffingwell!!! Emmy finished out the week with a 2nd
place in regular Veteran classes! EMMY was amazing!!! What a great dog she is! She gives 100% in all the venues. Very Proud of what Emmy and Barb and Jessica have accomplished.
Emmy and Barb have picked up a few more conformation group placements in the summer of 2017 too!! Emmy is very close to completing her ShowDog Hall of Fame requirements as well as continuing
to rack up QQ's toward her PACH. Great work Barb and Emmy!!!
EMMY and Barb continued to work toward their PACH in 2018. Emmy only needs two more QQs to get her PACH and she qualified for the Agility Invitational in March 2019!!! Emmy also had
a GREAT Final show week in Florida in December 2018!! Emmy came from the Veterans class to go Best of Opp Sex (to Thunder) on Tues, Wed and Sunday all-breed shows! Emmy then took BEST OF BREED
over a great specials entry on Thursday!! WOO HOO EMMY!! She is inching up on her GCHG conformation title!!! Emmy and Barb are such a great team!! Well done ladies!
TEAM EMMY finished up her PACH in February 2019!! That includes 20 QQ's and 1000 points in Preferred Agility Classes. This is a HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT for Emmy, Barb and Jessica Taylor!!! I am so proud of this team
and to annouce this is the FIRST SARRON DOG to earn a PACH title!! Great work Team Emmy!!!!! You Are ALL AWESOME!!!
Emmy and Barb are continuing to have had a great 2019! Emmy took ANOTHER Preferred HIGH IN TRIAL at the 2019 National Specialty under the great handling of Jessica Taylor! She then took Select Bitch from the
Veterans class at the Regional Specialty the day before the Naitonal handled by Barb and finished up her National wins taking 1st in the 11 and older class at the National!! This was a HUGE
week for Emmy as she shined in just about everything she did and all at 11 years old!! WOO HOO!!!
Emmy and Barb had one more goal they wanted to meet for this year and that was to finish Emmys' Show Dog Hall of Fame! Emmy and Barb headed off to the Regional Specialty in North Carolina the beginning of June 2019.
Emmy was in the ribbons the two supported entry days, but at the Regional Specialty she took BEST OF BREED from the Veterans class to finish her requirements for HOF!!! THEN EMMY and Barb took a Herding Group 2!!!
WHAT A FANTASTIC DAY!!!! I was so happy to be there to see these awesome ladies complete Emmys' Hall of Fame Requirements!!! WAY TO GO!!!!
We are now in 2020 and Barb and Emmy are still showing and having a great time! The AKC created an Owner Handled Grand Champion program this year with similar award levels (bronze, silver, gold, platnum) as the
regular Grand Champion program. They are also grandfathering dogs into this program from the inception of the Owner Handler program in 2012. This year, Emmy will be recognized as an Owner Handled Grand Champion Silver
winner as well as receiving her Hall of Fame award at the National this year!! Emmy is SUCH an overachiever and has been a great "first Belgian" for Barb. I wish them many more happy years together.
Emmy and Barb has worked on Emmys' BCAT on and off for a while and just in August 2020 - Emmy earned her BCAT at 12 1/2 years old! Emmy still loves to go and compete in what ever Barb offers her.
Emmy came out of conformation retirement to show in Veterans at the 2021 BSCA National Specialty. And, as always - Emmy was a STAND OUT!!! Emmy moved her way through winning her Veterans class and made it through
all the cuts of Specials to end up going SELECT AT THE NATIONAL SPECIALTY at 13 YEARS OF AGE!!! Emmy and Barb also took Owner Handler Best of Breed at the 2021 National!!! That is a tremendous accomplishment and really serves as a great climax to a WONDERFUL conformation career for this girl.
Emmy loves to show and will make appearances occassionally at specialties as long as she loves it! Emmy and Barb make a GREAT TEAM.
Emmy went to an IABCA show on Feb 26-27, 2022 and showed in the SUPER VETERN class! Emmy earned her SUPER VETERN Championship with 5 V-1 ratings at almost 14 years of AGE!!! Emmy then went to the Best in Show
Vetern ring 4 times and took Reserve Best in Show - three times and BEST IN SHOW - one time! Emmy is amazing and still loves to show. She will be 14 year old the end of this month. WAY TO GO EMMY and EAMON!!
Emmy went to the Regional Speciality in Louisville, KY in March 2022 and had a great time. Emmy took Best Veteran all weekend and also won Best in Veteran Sweeps. She loves going places and showing in all venues.
Emmy is 14 now and everyday with her is a gift.
Emmy had a melanoma removed from her mouth in Fall 2023 and then after that surgery, she received a vaccine to prevent the cancer from reoccuring. Her body responded well for several months but it appears
in May 2024 that she has some spots on her lungs. Emmy celebrated her 16th birthday in March 2024 and she has many more good days still, then bad. As long as Emmy is doing well -
Barb will support her. Every day with her is a gift. Emmy was also recognized for her Hall of Fame - Owner Handled Award (HOF-OH) at the 2024 BSCA National Specialty. Barb has done a wonderful job taking care of her!