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Litter: Sarron Las Vegas Strip Casino
Dam: Multi Group Placing, Ch. Sarron Simply Irresistable, CD, RN, HIC, HOF, ROM (Bacardi)
Sire: Ch. A-Te-Ell's Monsieur Tissot, CD (Tissot)
DoB: March 5, 2007

On March 5 (&6th), 2007, Ch. Sarron Simply Irresistible,CD, RN, HIC, HOF (Bacardi) gave birth to 7 female puppies sired by Ch. A-Te-Ell Monsieur Tissot, CD (Tissot). Bacardi started out strong in the birthing process and delivered 5 girls in 2 hours (1st one at 10:25 am - 5th one at half past noon). She then settled down to take care of her litter - very relaxed, being a GREAT mother and acting as though she was finished. I gave her some time and wasn't concerned. She'd welped before and had no problems.

At 5:30 pm - while she was still having no signs of impending labor, I took her to the vet for an x-ray. She had two more babies left to deliver. They were still up high - not detached - so home we came to wait. She had the 6th puppy at 6:45 AM on Tuesday March 6th and the final girl at 1:56 PM March 6th!!!

The story ends very happily as Bacardi had all babies naturally and they all thrived and are doing GREAT! She was never in distress...(now - I can't say the same for myself!) Anyway, I'd like to congratulate the new owners of the "Sarron LAS VEGAS STRIP CASINO" puppies and welcome them into the extended Sarron family! I'd also like to thank Bonnie and Stan Kreider for letting me use Tissot and for being SO easy to work with through the whole event!

OFA:Left: DJD Grade I; Right - Normal
CERF:BSD-1426 (03, 04, 05, 06, 07,08,10)
Epilepsy:Seizure Free
Three Litters at Sarron, DoD: 03/11/17
OFA link
Epilepsy:Seizure Free
OFA link
Puppies Health Table
Sarron Las Vegas Strip Casino litter - Born: March 5, 2007 -
Multi Group Placing, Ch. Sarron Simply Irresistable CD, RN, HIC, HOF, ROM x Ch. A-Te-Ell's Monsieur Tissot CD
NameSexHipsElbowsEyesCHICLinksDentition / BiteThyroidOther Information
Sarron Casino Royale
FBSD-3669E27F-VPIBSD-EL1385F27-VPIBSD-1869 (08, 10, 11, 14)58335OFA

Comp / LevelChampion CGC, CD, BN, RAE, RAT-O, CA Spayed
Sarron LuxorFBSD-3650E25F-VPIBSD-EL1366F25-VPIBSD-1956 (09:D3a)57772OFAcomp/Scissor RN Spayed. Euth 4-30-21 - down in rear, spinal issues.
Sarron MirageFComp. Spayed
Sarron BellagioFComp / Scissor Spayed. Vestibular attack- Died 3-24-2020
Sarron ExcaliburFComp. Spayed.Euth 8-11-22 - failing
Sarron Paris V RedenauFBSD-3655E25F-VPIBSD-EL1371F25-VPIBSD-195257773OFAComp/LevelCh. HIC,CD,RN,PT, AD Spayed. Euth 12-27-21 - liver and lung failure.
Sarron Monte Carlo IsabellaFBSD-3677E28F-VPIBSD-EL1392F28-VPIOFAComp / ScissorCh. Spayed, DoD: 2-27-17, Pericardial Effusion